Trade Market

# Item Amount Unit Price
Rose Beycium 557 3 GP
Crystal 1666 49 GP 99 SP
Sweet Juice 7 200 GP
Dancer's Shoes 1 5 GP
Lv 3 Energy Potion 93 10 SP
Lv 4 Energy Potion 50 30 SP
Enhanced Strength Potion 12 10 GP
Return Stone 189 1 SP
Aruka's Luxurious Sun Visor 1 100 GP
Flower Hat 1 2000 GP
Copper Ore 831 11 SP
Iron Ore 563 12 SP
Steel Fragment 984 11 SP
Steel Bullion 2643 15 SP
Rough Cloth 568 30 SP
Durable Cloth 529 11 SP
Thick Cloth 1137 15 SP
Sturdy Fabric 1725 14 SP
Rough Leather 315 6 SP
Tough Leather 212 19 SP
Thick Leather 50 1 GP
Strong Leather 385 40 SP
Chromite 71 14 GP
Elm Wood 342 12 SP
Ash Wood 702 10 SP
Black Oak Wood 50 1 GP
Maple Wood 120 1 GP 50 SP
Findel 73 5 GP
Dloris 17 1 GP
Glorim 171 40 SP
Gold 5 1 GP
Iridium 655 2 GP 39 SP 99 CP
Borgo's Tendon 11 19 SP
Blue Jewel Fragment 19 45 SP
Goblin Golem's Heart 153 39 SP 99 CP
Wolf Claw 21 10 SP
Venomous Fang 10 40 SP
Fleetfoot Fang 31 40 SP
Vesphio Belt 87 19 SP
Strong Uruk Bone 6 30 SP
Gobi's Singing Spirit 6 10 GP
Soul Jewel of the Dead 236 10 SP
Drop of Green Blood 159 15 SP
Ghost Rider's Cursed Soul 5 10 GP
Ghost Horse Leather 239 5 GP
Ghost Horse Rein 540 12 GP
Omphacite 156 30 SP
Glittering Leaf 209 29 SP 99 CP
Bloodstone 196 10 SP
Basteroe's Soulstone 15 1 GP
Riviute's Soulstone 31 15 SP
Manelloth's Soulstone 19 2 GP
Flamestone 11 10 SP
Shadiz's Soul Jewel 44 1 GP
Diago's Ice Jewel 582 20 CP
Makot Armor Fragment 224 15 SP
Ghost Stone 7 1 GP
Crassus' Horn 3 100 GP
Traces of Chaos 521 30 SP
Tainted Gemstone 123 13 SP
Zygniv's Hide 17 20 GP
Fragment of Yillis' Soul 41 14 GP
Fragment of Zygniv's Left Shackle 15 88 SP
Fragment of Zygniv's Right Shackle 14 47 SP
Yillis' Jewel of Life 8 10 GP
Yillis' Jewel of Mana 6 4 GP
Yillis' Jewel of Endurance 6 4 GP
Yillis' Jewel of Madness 6 3 GP
Yillis' Jewel of Chaos 5 6 GP 75 SP
Yillis' Jewel of Resistance 6 4 GP
Yillis' Jewel of Will 3 6 GP 50 SP
Yillis' Jewel of Protection 3 2 GP 75 SP
Saint Fhannel's Sapphire Fragment 5 50 SP
Saint Fhannel's Emerald Fragment 23 50 SP
Saint Fhannel's Topaz Fragment 9 50 SP
Faded Necklace of Light 13 10 GP
Sorrowful Soul's Yarn 420 18 SP
Decayed Jewel 122 1 GP 50 SP
Poluto's Fang 53 95 SP
Jewel from Ogis' Ring 11 50 SP
Jewel from Sothia's Ring 3 89 SP
Jewel from Cetabel's Ring 2 1 GP 99 SP
Tyrant Zombie's Congealed Blood 162 90 SP
Poluto's Left Tentacle 10 16 GP
Poluto's Right Tentacle 5 19 GP
Fungal Core 65 83 SP
Tyrant Zombie's Mutated Blood 6 495 GP
Tyrant Zombie Drumhead 185 20 CP
Creeper Crystal 14 1 GP
Chimera's Blue Crystal 1 10 GP
Seed of Fighting Spirit 130 25 SP
Contaminated Fighting Spirit 40 4 GP
Garden Master's Vine 1 50 GP
Soul of the Garden 5 49 GP 99 SP
Restraining Soulstone 266 20 SP 44 CP
Riviute's Blood Stone 39 40 SP
Basteroe's Blood Stone 11 1 GP
Manelloth's Blood Stone 25 1 GP 99 SP
Manelloth's Thunderbolt Orb 12 3 GP
Manelloth's Ice Orb 3 5 GP
Thunder Blade 1 30 GP
Basteroe's Darkness Orb 2 10 GP
Sorrowful Soul's Mantle 492 1 SP 98 CP
Soulstone of the Judged 306 10 SP
Blood of the Interrogator 24 5 GP
Blood of the Guardian 3 5 GP
Saint's Crystallized Teardrop 9 12 GP
Vengeful Soul of the Judged 3 11 GP
Jewel of Peace 4 100 GP
Will of the Guardian 11 10 GP
Evidence of Deep Faith 19 10 GP
Rune of Strength Fragment 766 50 SP
Rune of Intelligence Fragment 557 50 SP
Rune of Agility Fragment 680 50 SP
Rune of Vitality Fragment 507 40 SP
Knight's Rune 45 5 GP 55 SP
Sage's Rune 96 90 SP
Mage's Rune 5 15 GP
Mystic Music Box 5 10 GP
Valor Shadow 12 25 GP
Wild Shadow 8 100 GP
Strike Shadow 37 10 GP
Destructive Shadow 27 11 GP
Hell Shadow 19 12 GP
Underworld Shadow 33 20 GP
Steel Evil Thoughts 5 100 GP
Undefined 7 100 GP
Bolas' Leather 55 10 GP
Creeper Warrior's Poison Gland 3 4 GP
Sparkling Petal 161 10 GP
Shock Trap's Poison Fang 142 90 SP
Shock Trap's Mutated Bodily Fluid 228 90 SP
Sparkling Gem Powder 406 1 GP 50 SP
Ronin's Achilles Tendon 119 14 GP 99 SP
Ronin's Eyeball 269 95 SP
Cyndea's Tooth 4 10 GP
Cyndea's Giant Scythe-Like Arm 206 45 SP
Cyndea's Wings 1 20 GP
Mark of the Goddess 1196 39 SP
Ancient Column Fragment 527 2 GP
Mystic Gem 1300 14 SP
Renas' Holy Water 66 12 GP
Red Blood 53 3 GP 70 SP
Purple Blood 156 50 SP
Green Blood 222 10 SP
Unidentified Egg 229 30 SP
Magic Powder 71 15 GP
Black Flame Crystal 24 20 GP
Elemental Stone 6 250 GP
Cyndea's Soulstone 88 12 GP
Teneth's Soulstone 57 198 GP 99 SP 99 CP
Petrified Wood Splinter 1 19 GP
Electrified Spider Web 26 100 GP
Empty Glass 3 1 GP
Fire Gemstone 51 24 GP 99 SP
Ice Gemstone 135 24 GP 99 SP
Poison Gemstone 82 10 GP
Lightning Gemstone 34 30 GP
Holy Gemstone 285 12 GP
Dark Gemstone 10 24 GP
Berserker's Rune 1 180 GP
Shaman's Rune 17 100 GP
Assassin's Rune 300 10 GP
Wolf Meat 15 10 SP
Uruk Meat 10 5 SP
Tattered Boar Carcass 7 3 GP
Deer Remnants 13 10 SP
Rengot Cluster Mushroom 27 15 SP
Rengot Secret Spices 8 75 SP
Golem Snack 14 88 SP
Tree Spirit Fruit 35 10 SP
Bonbon Bamboo 10 20 SP
Sticky Sap 36 10 SP
Manelloth's Burning Heart 5 18 SP
Harpy's Crystallized Teardrop 102 10 SP
Diago's Oily Horn 189 20 CP
Unmelting Snow 100 18 SP
Venison 11 10 SP
Brown Bear Paw 9 10 SP
Large Pumpkin 27 1 GP
Zygniv's Tough Flesh 19 1 GP
Riode Spicy Sauce 149 80 SP
Poluto's Salivary Gland 10 17 GP
Creeper Shell 188 49 SP
Harpy's Crystallized Red Teardrop 1 1 GP
Harpy's Crystallized Blue Teardrop 4 50 SP
Rengot Deer Soup 4 19 GP 99 SP
Roast Venison 1 10 GP
Pirate Daggers 1 30 CP
Guardian's Life Stone 100 29 GP 99 SP
Fortune Elixir 13 120 GP
Intermediate Artisan's Breath 50 1500 GP
Superior Artisan's Breath 13 1795 GP
Jewel Remover 137 11 GP
Lost Hellhound Supply Box 11 5 GP
Pyroxene Box 394 10 GP
Moonlight Pouch 64 2 GP 80 SP
Sun Pouch 355 55 SP
Sky Pouch 123 68 SP
Blood Container 30 1 GP 99 SP
Sealed Judgment Accessory Recipe Box 30 4 GP
Sealed Transcender Accessory Recipe Box 7 15 GP
Sealed Lion's Accessory Recipe Box 21 20 GP
Jonny Brown's Sealed Chest 184 12 GP
Undefined 36 2 GP
Cyndea's Sealed Chest 7 66 GP
Formal Bow License 3 1000 GP
Artisan's Breath 317 120 GP
Blessing of Renas 282 105 GP
Scroll of Heroes [30 Days] 1 1200 GP
Novice EXP Potion 26 15 GP
Costume Potion 51 100 GP
Midnight Blue Dye 4 25 GP
Cork Dye 9 20 GP
Tropical Beachwear Costume Box 1 650 GP
Ocean Diver Costume Box 2 1000 GP
Sapphire Angel Wings White License 1 999 GP
Bollack Helm Box (7 Days) 1 39 GP
Rebel's Shield 1 499 GP
Rebel's Superior Mace 1 2800 GP
Mingming Prang Frog Hat Box (7 days) 5 20 GP
Hammer of Solstice 1 300 GP
Soulstealer 1 800 GP
Thunderblade 2 150 GP
Golem Fist 5 130 GP
Yellow Butterfly Wings License 1 900 GP
White Butterfly Wings License 1 900 GP
Yillis' Waterball Box 2 5500 GP
Swift Veamumu Box 1 7300 GP
Adrenaline Krorong Summoning Ring 2902 66 SP
Summon Box of Focus Krorong 5 1000 GP
Rengot Tribe Transformation Crystal 1 10 GP
Bonbon Transformation Crystal 7 5 GP
Kobold Transformation Crystal 3 2 GP
Ghoul Transformation Crystal 3 3 GP 90 SP
Cat Transformation Crystal 1 50 GP
Fleetfoot Transformation Crystal 11 5 GP
Doming Transformation Crystal 2 10 GP
Dull Yellow Dye 2 10 GP
Dull Green Dye 6 10 GP
Dull Blue Dye 1 15 GP
Dull Purple Dye 6 10 GP
Bright Red Dye 3 50 GP
Bright Yellow Dye 1 15 GP
Bright Green Dye 8 12 GP
Bright Blue Dye 7 10 GP
Bright Purple Dye 6 30 GP
Seven-Color Herb 41 20 GP
Yellow Ochre 207 50 SP
Violet Mushroom 5 2 GP 50 SP
Aquamarine of Strength 1 15 SP
Garnet of Strength 1 95 SP
Garnet of Agility 3 1 GP
Garnet of Vitality 3 1 GP
Garnet of the Priest 4 80 SP
Garnet of the Mercenary 1 1 SP
Olivine of Strength 21 75 SP
Olivine of Agility 51 1 GP
Olivine of Vitality 1 10 SP
Olivine of Charm 6 1 SP
Olivine of the Warrior 7 1 SP
Olivine of the Priest 8 1 SP
Olivine of the Scholar 3 10 SP
Sapphire of Agility 40 10 SP
Sapphire of Vitality 3 50 SP
Sapphire of Charm 19 40 SP
Sapphire of the Warrior 3 50 SP
Sapphire of the Priest 6 1 SP
Sapphire of the Mercenary 6 40 SP
Sapphire of the Knight 12 1 SP
Sapphire of the Scholar 32 40 SP
Emerald of Strength 29 10 SP
Emerald of Agility 42 10 SP
Emerald of Intelligence 24 10 GP
Emerald of Vitality 1 4 GP
Emerald of Charm 20 10 SP
Emerald of the Mercenary 2 10 SP
Emerald of the Knight 16 10 SP
Emerald of the Scholar 26 10 SP
Pyroxene of Strength 20 5 GP 98 SP
Pyroxene of Agility 49 24 GP
Pyroxene of Intelligence 13 14 GP 99 SP
Pyroxene of Vitality 21 1 GP
Pyroxene of Charm 57 18 SP
Pyroxene of the Warrior 49 19 SP
Pyroxene of the Mercenary 61 18 SP
Pyroxene of the Knight 28 19 SP 99 CP
Pyroxene of the Scholar 47 19 SP
Great Pyroxene of Strength and Charm 1 55 GP
Great Pyroxene of the Strong Warrior 2 10 GP
Great Pyroxene of the Strong Scholar 1 10 GP
Great Pyroxene of Agility and Strength 1 150 GP
Great Pyroxene of Agility and Charm 2 10 GP
Great Pyroxene of the Agile Warrior 2 10 GP
Great Pyroxene of the Agile Knight 2 10 GP
Great Pyroxene of Vitality and Agility 2 100 GP
Great Pyroxene of Vitality and Charm 1 90 GP
Great Pyroxene of Charm and Intelligence 2 100 GP
Great Pyroxene of Warrior's Charm 1 50 GP
Great Pyroxene of the Warring Knight 1 10 GP
Great Pyroxene of Mercenary's Strength 1 40 GP
Great Pyroxene of Mercenary's Intelligence 1 49 GP 99 SP 99 CP
Great Pyroxene of Mercenary's Charm 1 5 GP
Great Pyroxene of the Mercenary Warrior 1 10 GP
Great Pyroxene of Knight's Agility 1 2 GP
Great Pyroxene of Knight's Intelligence 1 70 GP
Great Pyroxene of Knight's Vitality 1 8 GP
Great Pyroxene of Knight's Charm 1 10 GP
Great Pyroxene of the Knightly Warrior 1 10 GP
Great Pyroxene of Scholar's Vitality 1 70 GP
Great Pyroxene of Scholar's Charm 1 50 GP
Great Pyroxene of the Scholarly Mercenary 1 10 GP
Obsidian of Agility +2 3 360 GP
Obsidian of Intelligence +2 3 360 GP
Diamond of Blades 1 5 GP
Diamond of Red Opportunity 3 23 GP
Diamond of Blue Opportunity 1 20 GP
Diamond of Meditation 1 1000 GP
Inferior Intelligence Diamond 1 50 GP
Inferior Harmonious Diamond 5 10 GP
Average Strength Diamond 1 1 GP 99 SP
Average Intelligence Diamond 3 1 GP 90 SP
Average Harmonious Diamond 13 10 GP
Superior Strength Diamond 5 12 GP
Superior Intelligence Diamond 3 12 GP 50 SP
Superior Agility Diamond 7 15 GP
Superior Vitality Diamond 6 20 GP
Superior Harmonious Diamond 1 50 GP
Whirlwind of Light Diamond 7 10 GP
Whirlwind of Mana Diamond 6 150 GP
Whirlwind of Life Diamond 9 12 GP
White Lightning Diamond 26 12 GP 99 SP 99 CP
Red Lightning Diamond 23 10 GP
Sharp Blade Diamond 5 100 GP
Uranta's Diamond 3 100 GP
Shanith's Diamond 2 100 GP
Venomous Elemental Geode 1 500 GP
Blazing Elemental Geode Recipe 4 100 GP
Frozen Elemental Geode Recipe 12 80 GP
Venomous Elemental Geode Recipe 10 150 GP
Voltaic Elemental Geode Recipe 3 1000 GP
Cursed Elemental Geode Recipe 10 100 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Ignition +3 1 300 GP
Delicate Diamond of Blazing Whirlwind +4 1 1400 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Blazing Whirlwind +3 2 1200 GP
Delicate Diamond of Frost Fissure +2 1 150 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Frost Fissure +1 1 100 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Frost Fissure +3 1 300 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Frost Fissure +4 1 500 GP
Sharp Diamond of Frost Fissure +1 1 10 GP
Sharp Diamond of Frost Fissure +3 2 600 GP
Delicate Diamond of Glacial Concentration +3 4 299 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Glacial Concentration +1 2 100 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Glacial Concentration +2 1 100 GP
Sharp Diamond of Glacial Concentration +4 1 1200 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Decay +1 1 75 GP
Sharp Diamond of Decay +1 2 100 GP
Sharp Diamond of Decay +2 1 300 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Venom +1 1 100 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Venom +2 1 100 GP
Sharp Diamond of Venom +1 2 60 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Haste +1 1 2000 GP
Delicate Diamond of Lightning Bolt +1 1 75 GP
Sharp Diamond of Lightning Bolt +1 1 140 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Blasphemy +1 1 40 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Blasphemy +2 1 100 GP
Delicate Diamond of Power +1 11 150 GP
Delicate Diamond of Power +2 5 300 GP
Delicate Diamond of Power +3 1 1000 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Power +1 17 125 GP
Mysterious Diamond of Power +2 3 290 GP
Sharp Diamond of Power +1 14 100 GP
Sharp Diamond of Power +2 11 149 GP 99 SP 99 CP
Sharp Diamond of Power +3 4 599 GP 99 SP 99 CP
Sharp Diamond of Power +4 1 1500 GP
(Rengot Village) Helm (Chain) 1 2 GP
(Rengot Village) Breastplate (Chain) 1 2 GP
(Rengot Village) Leg Armor (Chain) 1 2 GP
(Rengot Village) Gauntlets (Chain) 1 2 GP
(Rengot Village) Boots (Chain) 1 2 GP
Heroic Daggers of the White Yetis 1 125 GP
Shield of Counterattack 1 30 GP
Underground Waterway Leather Belt 1 249 GP
Underground Waterway Steel Belt 2 449 GP
Hell Rider's Belt 1 3000 GP
Warhammer of Regeneration 1 200 GP
Transcendent Necklace of the Sky (Imitation) 4 1 GP
Swift Necklace of the Sky (Imitation) 2 1 GP 99 SP
Glorious Necklace of the Sky (Imitation) 1 2 GP
Refined Necklace of the Sky (Imitation) 3 1 GP 99 SP
Illusionary Necklace of the Sky (Imitation) 5 50 SP
Sharp Necklace of the Sky (Imitation) 2 1 GP
Durable Ring of Moonlight (Imitation) 1 2 GP
Transcendent Ring of Moonlight (Imitation) 5 50 SP
Glorious Ring of Moonlight (Imitation) 6 99 SP
Refined Ring of Moonlight (Imitation) 7 30 SP
Illusionary Ring of Moonlight (Imitation) 5 50 SP
Sharp Ring of Moonlight (Imitation) 2 4 GP 99 SP
Durable Ring of the Sun (Imitation) 1 10 GP
Transcendent Ring of the Sun (Imitation) 5 30 SP
Swift Ring of the Sun (Imitation) 2 10 GP
Glorious Ring of the Sun (Imitation) 2 2 GP
Refined Ring of the Sun (Imitation) 2 30 SP
Illusionary Ring of the Sun (Imitation) 4 30 SP
Sharp Ring of the Sun (Imitation) 2 10 GP
Transcendent Ring of the Sun 2 10 GP
Fancy Judge's Necklace of the Sky 3 50 GP
Fancy Transcender Necklace of the Sky 1 240 GP
Fancy Lion's Necklace of the Sky 8 100 GP
Strong Lion's Necklace of the Sky 5 30 GP
Grand Judge's Ring of Moonlight 1 490 GP
Grand Judge's Ring of the Sun 1 450 GP
Fancy Judge's Ring of Moonlight 2 320 GP
Fancy Judge's Ring of the Sun 4 300 GP
Strong Judge's Ring of Moonlight 1 100 GP
Strong Judge's Ring of the Sun 1 80 GP
Grand Transcender Ring of Moonlight 5 375 GP
Fancy Transcender Ring of Moonlight 7 100 GP
Strong Transcender Ring of the Sun 2 100 GP
Grand Lion's Ring of Moonlight 5 490 GP
Grand Lion's Ring of the Sun 6 399 GP
Fancy Lion's Ring of Moonlight 1 150 GP
Fancy Lion's Ring of the Sun 5 100 GP
Strong Lion's Ring of Moonlight 1 90 GP
Strong Lion's Ring of the Sun 7 17 GP
Optium Robe 1 100 GP