A Discussion About Drop Rates - Your Opinion Matters

Dear players,

Since the inception of our server, our goal has always been to keep it as close to the NA server as possible. However, we understand that drop rates have been a constant topic of discussion, and we acknowledge that many of you have valid concerns. We are committed to listening and taking action based on your feedback to make your gaming experience even more rewarding.

We understand that the drop rate for certain items may be causing frustration, and we want to address this in the best way possible. For that, we need your help. We want you to share with us which items or specific situations you find critical in terms of drop rates. Your input will be crucial in assessing and adjusting the drop rates in a balanced manner.

Our commitment is to create a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone. We are open to dialogue and ready to act based on what the community believes is necessary. Together, we can enhance the experience for all on our server.

We appreciate in advance for sharing your opinions and experiences. Together, we will shape an even better server.



Anonymous ...

Two of the many things in Raiderz that play a major role in keeping players in the game are Drops and Dungeon Keys.

These two elements should be tweaked to suit the playerbase and active players on the server. Dungeon keys will limit the playing time because there aren't enough players in first place to form many parties, and this leads to bottlenecking the drops required for gear.

Drop rate and drop amount should also be tweaked to fit the amount of players active and the gameplay time of players daily. Grinding shouldn't be hard nor easy, so a middle ground will be the perfect balance to keep grinding fun and reduce the frustration on drop rate/amount.

Anonymous ...

The iridium drop rate , it's a nightmare .

Anonymous ...

More iridium please!

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