Cleric Talents Bugs


Divine Mastery: this passive is completely not working.

Circle of Healing: visual bug where you can't see the amount of heal that is received to allies.

Salvation, Dire Recovery, Circle of Healing, Heal, Heal 2 and Heal 3: incorrect

% calculation, so you will notice that they are healing less than they are supposed to.

Blessing Concentration: this skill is regenerating more EP than supposed to due to confusion in the calculation because of the Intelligence Basic Stat.

Dire Recovery: minor bug, and it's similar to Circle of Healing's visual bug.

Hammer of Light, Hammer of Judgement and Links of Light: their velocity seems slower for some reason, but this only happens if you don't lock your aim on the enemy target.

Heal, Heal 2 and Heal 3: this one has a critical bug where sometimes the caster is unable to land the skill on allies due to a positioning error.

Uplift: casting magic spells does not grant the ''Uplift'' effect.

Note: EACH color illustrates the seriousness of a bug.
RED = Critical Bug
Yellow = Medium Bug
Green = Minor Bug

Anonymous ...

2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 are fixed now.

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